Sunday, November 22, 2009


' relationships '


holding the broken journeys

tidbits rocked the rocking chairs
ploughed through the writing tables
confession boxes echoed
to the taps on a dead tree

whether cut , crafted or burnt
in the fireplace,or elsewhere

where, without any body
what simply lay on the earth
was kind of spiritual
the calming shade of a tree

holding the broken journeys

together ..

/ original / z.g.

[ Ed :
Line 5 - confession boxes , listened ]

Sunday, November 15, 2009


' calling names '

theta tends to zero
before resurrection
something must have died

in the calculus of life
death entered the equation
like a partial fraction

didn't kill our ' yesterday '
that was already dead
' today ' was a phoenix

dead hallucination
live actuality
wings of agony & joy

you called it perception
they called it a ghost
i called it life

was it civilization ..

/ original / z.g.

[ Ed -
Line 6 :- it didn't kill ' yesterday '
Line 11 :- sums of agony or joy
Line 15:- wasn't that civilization

restructured stanza 1 /
re-titled - - ' calling names '
( IST 14:10 nov.17. tues.2009) ]

[ Web Ref - - Theta / :-

1. Theta is most often used to represent unknown angles, especially in the study of trigonometry.

2. In Scientology, theta means thought or life force

3. theta n. The eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. / Greek theta , of Phoenician origin

4. Also called time decay. theta - - financial-dictionary

5. as the time value declines - - the theta tends toward zero - -Robert T. Daigler - 1994 - Business & Economics

6. _ theta tends to zero _ Mathematics / Calculus ]

Monday, November 9, 2009


' missed calls '

mbote na bino
hello to you all

it speaks every language
russian, chinese, lingala
bridges minds,connects hearts
civilization's toy
responding to touch
unleashing life

' iko kufa - birth is death '

the horizon splits
to reality and dreams
on five million tombstones
of heat tolerant coltan,
another cell phone
toys with civilization

bonjour tout le monde
hello the whole world ..

/ original / z.g.

{ Ref :

In The Democratic Republic of Congo DRC ( Official Languages- Lingala & French )
Coltan Mining [ Heat Resistant Mineral required for Capacitors used in Cell phones , Laptops , Pagers Etc ] has caused the Deaths of More than Five Million People -
surpassing the number of lives lost in World War Two }

Monday, November 2, 2009

shift in time.osi

' syncopation '

skipped circadian rhythms
listened to a busker
right time , a speaker cooed
i heard his song , still

a moment of harmony

rummaged through a lifetime
what had been

at sixes and sevens

with all status - quo
clocks at the terminus
reflected ,
what is

my train had gone

another would come
that's what ,
would be

i kept getting lost

to timelessness ..

/ original / zg

[ / Stanzas - Restructured /

-Ed : -
Line 3 - right time , they announced
Line 4 - i heard a song , still
Line 5 - that moment of melody
Line 7 - and held the had been
Line 10 - those digits on a clock ]