Monday, December 22, 2008

a winter's day. (osi)

..'a warm winter'

a path clad in velvet white
naked branches unashamed
a cantata in stillness
it sings of you, i sing too

the sun on a hiatus
the coming home is early
so a fire crackles with glee
togetherness to sing to..



  1. Warm, charming, lovely! So nicely done!

  2. Oh, to experience that glee--and the coming home! Thanks for this work.

  3. From a shiver to cosy warmth. You took me with you.

  4. your winter beauty makes me forget the cold!...your words are so warm & inviting

  5. Deborah Godin said...

    "That long poem you write for A Winter's Day is absolutely stunning! I always enjoy your words, but that one really stood out for me!"

    December 22, 2008 3:21 PM

  6. Dear Zoya--
    I too think about the nakedness of the trees and how vulnerable they are. I really liked your poem. It felt, like others have said, warm and relaxed! Thanks~~~

  7. Hey Zoya, this is neat. Get off early and hurry home. I have at times marvelled at how people are in such a hurry home regularly. Early is best.
    I finally put up my little winter day bit. You can decide its ending.

  8. I so enjoyed this piece. A cantata in stillness is wonderful! Merry Christmas this third day on.

