Thursday, August 6, 2009



defenestrate the darkness
but some times you need the darkness
away from the glare
when you require sleep
or try to meditate
it becomes a bridge
to your own self
till a tchotchke brings you back
the windchimes jingle
one returns to the world
or the world returns to one
a bumblebee trapped in the lotus
finds release at dawn
so open the sashes
blossom ..

/ original / z.g.

[ ref:

in ancient sanskrit literature it is stated that a bumblebee gets prisoned inside a lotus flower
... at first light when the lotus opens there is hope of freedom .. but then an elephant uproots the lotus , alas ..
( ie - no release for the bee ) .. but in the above writeup - yes ]

{ Ed : line 6 - or when you meditate }


  1. Indeed...there are times I seek darkness at my window and at others, I raise the blinds to let the world enter for a time.

    I enjoyed the read.

  2. This is wonderful. We find the world or the world finds us. This is a very fine poem. Beautiful.

  3. I loved the imagery of the bee trapped in the lotus (and your explanation of its origins). This felt very hopeful to me... as if I was renewed for having read it.

    --And thank you for your kind words at our blog! We appreciate it!

  4. there is a way of ferrying from dark to light without being crushed.
    open the sashes!!! a wonderfully uplifting poem. the bumble bee in the lotus is a wonderful metaphor.

  5. whatever comes out the other end there is light, that's what I think, even if one is trap, there is always something to free ourselves - in mind or body

  6. Ah, the light - from inside to out and vice versa. This is a lovely piece -

  7. so interesting and well said...!

  8. zoya..what a fantastic use of the prompt..

    you are very talented..


  9. oh! how often it is that the tchotchkes, the little things, bring us suddenly back to ourselves. sorry I missed this last week.

