Monday, March 16, 2009

farewells. (osi)

' leaves '

i cannot say farewell
to this splash of color
the perfumes born to spring *
a surprise on my breath

the jazz in the birdcalls
this razzmatazz of green
i know it turns to rust
as it did last autumn

and i said just nothing ..


[* ED:-" to the perfumes that spring "]


  1. to the perfumes that spring
    a surprise on my breath and

    the jazz in the birdcalls

    Loved this and was in danger of cutting and pasting the entire poem.

  2. But there is an inevitability to it.
    Lovely words.

  3. A beautiful, awe-filled silence! I can't say that good-bye, either.

  4. Nice work..nothing is all that you can say to a farewell

  5. "I know it turns to rust as it did last autumn"...just beautiful! I enjoyed your poem so much. Wonderful work!

  6. razzmatazz of words here. Very nice one

  7. Lovely little jazz riff. Made my heart sing with the birds.

  8. The splashes of spring are just appearing in my yard as you tell of saying Farewell...the seasons come and go so quickly these days.

    I sometimes wonder if life has been put on a Fast-Forward spin.

  9. Good thing you will not have to say farewell for quite a while. Spring can be such a lovely time. Your words are wonderful.

  10. Dear zoya--

    This is beautiful--
    thank you for saying something!!

  11. Deborah Godin said...

    " OSI - Farewell, a delightful read, a skillfully handled blend of pathos and humor, and the last line really brings it!! "
    March 18, 2009 10:43 AM

  12. I keep saying hello to this poem, and to your work Zoya. If I begin to comment on your words here, then I have to end, and I am enjoying it too much for endings.

  13. I love any poet that can use razzmatazz in such a lovely way.

  14. I really connect with your sense of color and movement in the world around you; wonderful piece.

  15. great music & rhythm in your words & images! Makes me hungry for the green...... the birds are coming, the snow is melting, but the green, the green is humming, base notes underground. Delightful!

  16. beautiful moment that you enjoy ! no farewell!

