Sunday, November 15, 2009


' calling names '

theta tends to zero
before resurrection
something must have died

in the calculus of life
death entered the equation
like a partial fraction

didn't kill our ' yesterday '
that was already dead
' today ' was a phoenix

dead hallucination
live actuality
wings of agony & joy

you called it perception
they called it a ghost
i called it life

was it civilization ..

/ original / z.g.

[ Ed -
Line 6 :- it didn't kill ' yesterday '
Line 11 :- sums of agony or joy
Line 15:- wasn't that civilization

restructured stanza 1 /
re-titled - - ' calling names '
( IST 14:10 nov.17. tues.2009) ]

[ Web Ref - - Theta / :-

1. Theta is most often used to represent unknown angles, especially in the study of trigonometry.

2. In Scientology, theta means thought or life force

3. theta n. The eighth letter of the Greek alphabet. / Greek theta , of Phoenician origin

4. Also called time decay. theta - - financial-dictionary

5. as the time value declines - - the theta tends toward zero - -Robert T. Daigler - 1994 - Business & Economics

6. _ theta tends to zero _ Mathematics / Calculus ]


  1. I almost think you could have stopped with those first two lines! but I did like reading the rest of the lines too!

  2. From ghost to civilization. You just sweep the reader. Amazing read

  3. died or disappeared from memory? i enjoyed this.

  4. hi moe ,.

    .. neither death , nor disappearance nor oblivion
    just an attempt at reading the story of civilization _

    - - which has various descriptions / & is ( possibly ) variously understood .. thanks for liking it ! ..

  5. This was very thought provoking...and so cleverly written. Great post!

  6. following your thoughts is challenging!

  7. really cool usage of idea and words !

  8. you write so deeply...:)

    yes, truth in what you expressed!

  9. Beautifully illustrated tale - from start to finish, it rings with wonder.

  10. very nicely done Zoya..i always love your effort..

  11. I love death being consigned to a partial fraction status in the sweep of time. This piece vibrates in its logic!

  12. What a very cool poem- I loved the last stanza; very profound~

